Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Aspects of Black Heritage

There are many aspects the Black Diaspora. As I continue this blog, these are some of the broad areas I will attempt to address.

Aspects of Black Heritage

  1. Homo Sapiens – First humans in Africa
  2. Agriculture
  3. Early Civilizations: Egypt, Nubia, Kush, Napata, Meroe, Axum, Carthage
  4. Egyptian influence on Greece
  5. They came before Columbus – Black in America
  6. Moors civilize Europe
  7. Blacks with European explorers
  8. Freedom and slavery in America
  9. Civil Rights
  10. Black arts – Worldwide
  11. Black academia – Worldwide
  12. Blacks in sports – Worldwide
  13. Blacks in politics – Worldwide
  14. Black churches – Worldwide
  15. Black business – Worldwide
  16. Black technology – Worldwide
  17. Black relationships and family structures
  18. Black Religion and Theology 

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