Friday, May 18, 2012

Moors, Slavery and Exploration

From Black Saga: The African American Experience by Charles M. Christian

1492 Black Explorer Nino joins Columbus - Blacks were among the first explorers of the Western Hemisphere
1501 Spain permits African slaves in the Americas
1502 Spain begins slave trade
1512 John Garrido, a slave, initiated the cultivation of wheat in the Americas
1512-13 Africans accompany Spanish explorers

Below is a youtube video called, "When Moors Ruled Europe."

 As you know Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. What you may not know is African Muslims, known as Moors, had dominated Spain and other parts of Europe from the early 700's until 1492, yes more than 700 years.  After 1492, the Moors who chose stay in Spain were forced to convert to Catholicism, the Jews were kicked out of Spain, and we see the beginnings of the Spanish Inquisition. Just ten years later, Spain begins slave trade in the New World. Connections? More to follow.

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