Thursday, June 14, 2012

African Prehistory Summarized

From General History of Africa: Volume I, Methodology and African Prehistory

In a nutshell, material civilization originated in the tropical latitudes of Africa and Asia in prehistoric times, and then shifted to more northerly latitudes in Europe where, as a result of its enhanced technology and the amassing of capital, its performance has been outstanding.... However, the more the productive forces gain strength, the sharper the conflicts generated by will to power. The struggles for national liberation and social emancipation being waged all over the continent epitomize its rejection of being shackled in the fetters imposed so long ago. It is this struggle for liberation, this unquenchable desire for higher things, free from the constraints of alienation, that have characterized human beings ever since the time when, no longer animals, they stood up and took their first steps. In Africa, the creation of Man by Man, which began thousands of millennia ago. In a sense, Africa prehistory has still not come to an end. 

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