Monday, July 16, 2012


Ancient Africa Timeline from 

Timeline Help

"Ancient Africa timeline part 1 of 22 from 60,000 BCE to 633 BCE at Timeline Help. First the reasons why I designed this world event chronology. Africa is the second largest of the seven world continents world, full of colored cultures and an interesting history. More than 680 million people live there, almost 15 percent of the global population.
Africa is considered to be birthplace of the modern human beings. And that's where my extended Ancient Africa timeline starts ..."

- 60,000 BCE - 200,000 BCE

- 25,000 BCE - 10,000 BCE

- 6000 BCE - 4000 BCE

- 5000 BCE

- 3200 BCE

- 2750 BCE

- 2686 BCE - 2134 BCE

- 2630 BCE - 2611 BCE

- 2589 BCE - 2566 BCE

- 2575 BCE - 2551 BCE

- 2528 BCE - 2520 BCE

- 2520 BCE - 2494 BCE

- 2494 BCE - 2472 BCE

- 2472 BCE - 2467 BCE

- 2046 BCE - 1995 BCE

- 2030 BCE - 1640 BCE

- 1570 BCE - 1070 BCE

- 1370 BCE - 1330 BCE

- 1343 BCE - 1325 BCE

- 1200 BCE - 800 BCE

- 1000 BCE - 800 BCE

- 982 BCE

- 712 BCE

- 633 BCE - 530 BCE
Early homo sapiens in central Africa.

Cave rock paintings.

River People in Niger and Congo.
Cyclopean masonry in central Africa.
Predynastic settlements along the Nile borders and southwestern Egypt.

Ancient Nubian people in central Sudan.

Upper and Lower Egypt united.
Pharaoh Narmer rules Egypt.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser build in Memphis' necropolis at Saqqara.

Old Kingdom of Egypt.

Pharao King Djoser.

Pharao King Khufu.

Pharao King Sneferu.

Djedefra rules Egypt.

Pharao King Khafra.

Pharao King Menkaura

Pharao King Shepseskaf.

Pharaoh Mentuhotep II.

Middle Kingdom of Egypt.

New Kingdom of Egypt.

Pharaoh Queen Nefertitit.

Pharaoh King Tutankhamen.

Phoenicians in North Africa.

Bantu migration from southern Africa to the Sahara Desert.

Menelik I Ethiopia's first Ancient Emperor.

Pharaoh King Piankhi rules Egypt.

Phoenician colonies in the Western Sahara region.
- 500 BCE - 200 BCE

- 500 BCE

- 450 BCE

- 334 BCE - 323 BCE

- 323 BCE - 283 BCE

- 300 BCE - 100

- 300 BCE

- 264 BCE - 241 BCE

- 247 BCE - 183 BCE

- 218 BCE - 201 BCE

- 196 BCE

- 149 BCE - 146 BCE

- 69 BCE - 30 BCE

- 47 BCE

- 189 - 199

- 250 - 710

- 270

- 300

- 400 - 1200

- 600 - 1000

- 600 - 1500

- 622

- 639 - 641

- 700 - 800

- 700 - 1911

- 710

- 740 - 1492

- 750 - 1240

- 750 - 1076

- 1000
Ancient Nok culture in Nigeria.

Greeks establish colonies along the coast of the Red Sea.

Carthaginian Hanno the Navigator explores the northern African coast.

Conquests of Alexander the Great.

Pharao King Ptolemy I Soter rules Egypt.

The Ancient Kingdom of Axum or The Aksumite Empire in northeastern Africa.

Nubian capital of Mero is founded.

First of the Three Punic Wars in Ancient Africa Timeline 2 between Carthage and Rome.

Hannibal rules Carthage and invades Italy.

Second Punic War.

The Rosetta Stone created, and found in 1799.

Third Punic War, Carthage is destructed.

Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra VII rules Egypt.

Fire destroys the Great ancient library of Alexandria.

Pope Victor I, the African pope.

The Ethiopian Kingdom of Axum.

The Vandals establish a kingdom in North Africa.

Axum conquers southern Arabia.
Parts of North Africa are converted to Christianity.

Medieval Ghana Kingdom.

Bantu people migrates to southern Africa.

Slave trade from central to northern African continent.

Prophet Muhammad travels from Mecca to Medina.

Islamic Khalif Omar conquers Egypt and Persi, and controls East African trade towns.

Islamic conquest of North Africa.

Arabs trade slaves on the African continent.

Arabs invade and destroy the Ancient Kingdom of Axum.

Islamicized African Moors invade southern Spain, and rule until the fall of Granada.

The Soninke Empire of Ghana.

Kingdom of Ghana or Wagadou Empire.

City of Timbuktu founded in Mali.

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