Thursday, July 5, 2012


Many countries in Africa suffered from poverty and war. Angola was no exception. Luckily, it is now blessed  with peace and oil riches. Some of that money is being used to improve the lives of the general population. Spreading the wealth is the path to long term prosperity.  

Where is Angola?

Check out the Embassy of the Republic of Angola site:

Picture from: African Arguments

 From The Economist:
"Generally deemed wretched after a 14-year war for independence from Portugal followed by 27 years of civil war that only ended in 2002, Angola is now one of Africa’s economic successes—thanks almost entirely to oil. With a population of 20m, it has Africa’s fifth-biggest and fastest-growing economy. Between 2004 and 2008 its GDP surged by an average of 17% a year, topping 22% in 2007. It is the continent’s second-biggest oil producer after Nigeria. Foreign investment is pouring in at a rate of more than $10 billion a year. In the past decade GDP per person is said to have tripled."

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